If you are a mother or father of a new born, the topic of baby poop is never on top of the parental agenda. But baby poop can provide us insights into whether your baby digestive system is healthy or not. You need to understand your baby’s pooping habits, to ensure that your little one is healthy and well-nourished. Reading the poop involves frequency, color and consistency.
Pop and mom, this is what to expect and watch out for on diaper duty during the newborn days.
What is Meconium?
The first few poops of your newborn’s will be black or very dark green, thick and in the consistency of tar. These first dirty diapers are made up of things ingested while still in the uterus, (amniotic fluid, lanugo, mucus, etc.) and is called Meconium. Every baby usually has his or her first bowel movement within 24 hours of birth.
How often will my Newborn Poop?
Breastfed babies poop several times a day. If your baby is formula fed, the poops may be less frequent. Evolving through a few weeks your babies’ pooping frequency begins to slow. If baby is eating consistently and the stool is soft, there’s no reason for concern.

What poop colors are normal?
After the first black stools are emptied from your baby’s belly, the color of the baby poop may take on different shades of yellows, browns, and greens. These are all normal hues. It is usual for breastfed babies’ poop to be in mustardy yellow color. The dirty diapers of formula-fed babies’ are yellow-tan with hints of green.
What are the warning signs not to avoid about baby poop?
• If the poop becomes increasingly watery, or if the baby is pooping more often than you’re feeding them.
Your baby needs dramatically fewer diapers changes than before, or if the stool is hard and they strain to pass stool. This is an indicator to constipation)
• You notice red in their poop (particularly if they haven’t eaten anything red-colored)
• Your baby passes black-colored stool (after the initial meconium), which could mean there is old blood present.
• White or gray-colored poop, while rare, could indicate an underlying liver problem.

What to do as a alarmed parent?
As the risks involved in homemade remedies to treat your baby’s condition is high, it is best to consult a doctor. If your baby’s condition persists or if they experience discomfort, or other unusual symptoms, it is important to consult your pediatrician for a proper evaluation and guidance.
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